Thank you so much LHBubbles for this wonderful award! ☺ This type of recognition really inspires me to keep going. This is a wonderful surprise, especially because it has been granted to me so early on in my small blogging career. My ♥ is swelled with love, joy & pride!
But before the rest of you, my faithful readers, start shopping for a fancy dress (or tux) to walk me down the red carpet or start buying champagne by the crates, let me just explain what this award is about... What is the Liebster Award? The word Liebster in German means 'Favorite', 'Sweetheart', 'Beloved', 'Darling' or 'Dearest'. So, the award is, basically, a favorite blog to read. Essentially, the whole point of the Liebster Award is to bring good blogs to light, give their owners recognition for their hard work, and motivate them to continue writing.The origins of the Liebster Award are somewhat shrouded in mystery; however, the general consensus is that it generated in Germany. Most of the information I found about it was through the Sopphey Says blog. In her findings, Sopphey found the earliest blog post that mentioned the Liebster Award was back in 2010 in a German blog called Birdy Of Paradise, owned by a girl named Jasmin. Upon translating the Birdy Of Paradise blog, I found some interesting information - originally, you would nominate 3 to 5 bloggers with 3000 or less followers and no questions to the award winner were involved. Over time, this has turned into 11 bloggers with 200 or less followers and you have to answer a set of questions. While the beginnings of this award are somewhat obscure and many changes have taken place in regards to the amount of items required to "nominate" a blogger, the intentions behind it are the same: to show respect, kindness and love to a fellow blogger. The rules associated since the Liebster Award inception, although have changed, are pretty simple. They are as follows: ► Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog. ► Link back to the blogger who awarded you. ► Post an image of the award onto the blog post itself and your blog. ► Give 10 random facts about yourself. ► Answer 10 questions set by the nominator.► Pass on the award to other 3 to 5 bloggers with less than 3000 followers whose efforts deserve to be recognized. (I am going back to the original on this one because I don't follow very many blogs...)► Create your own set of questions for the bloggers you've chosen.► Let them know you have chosen them by posting a comment on their latest blog post.10 Random Facts About MyselfTo save us some time, I'll give you some other information ;)You can click HERE to check out my 'About Me' page and get to know a little bit more about me, my family, and my life.For random additional information about me, click HERE for my "15 Things You Don't Know About Me" blog post.Questions set by LHBubbles to her blogger choices (including me)1. What is a movie that you can watch over and over again?A. There are so many good movies out there! I'll give you a Top 5 - 300, Amélie, Memoirs Of A Geisha, When Harry Met Sally, and You've Got Mail.2. What is a song that makes you just want to dance?A. Haha! I have so many silly & embarrassing choices, but I love them all! Sugarhill Gang's "Apache (Jump On It)", ANYTHING by Daft Punk, the entire FutureSex/LoveSounds album by Justin Timberlake, Village People's YMCA, Bee Gees music, Michael Jackson's music...Gosh! I could go on & on forever. There is so much great music out there!!!3. What is the best drugstore product you own?A. There are so many good ones! Off the top of my head - Revlon's Nearly Naked Foundation, Wet 'N' Wild Vanity Palette, and NYC's Bronzing Powder in Sunny.4. Do you have a celebrity you'd like to kidnap? (;A. Although I am not into committing felonies on celebrities, I do have some of them in high respects because they have big hearts and are all about doing good in their work through either charities or their celeb status. I've loved Ricky Martin since I was 5 years old. First, I love him because he is just plain gorgeous. When I found out he is all about making a difference in the world for children, he had me smitten.Robert Downey Jr. is another favorite of mine. He is not only funny and a great actor, but also I see him as a beacon of strength for overcoming so many obstacles that brought him to the place where he is at today. Kevyn Aucoin, although he is no longer with us, has been a major influence in my life as far as never giving up, following my dreams, and being kind to other people. To this day and even after he passed away back in 2002, he remains one of the most influential people in the beauty industry and a true game-changer that people still remember, love, respect, and speak of with admiration. He represents everything I would ever want to be in life and death.5. How do you spend your free time?A. With my being a full-time mom to 2 very active boys and part-time makeup student, it's hard to have free time. So, the little free time I do have, I try to spend learning about makeup and/or working on my blog one way or another. I also try to exercise as much as I am able to.6. What's the best thing you've ever eaten?Oh man...That's easy! Cheesecake Factory's Hibachi Steak or ANY sushi roll from Joe's Crazy Sushi in Palm Springs, CA.7. What makes you laugh out loud?A. My boyfriend makes me laugh out loud all-the-time. It never gets boring with him ♥ My boys are so silly, they make me smile constantly. Life in general is funny, really... I love to laugh!8. Do you have any pets?A. Not at this moment. My kids are beasts sometimes, but I don't think that counts... 9. What is your favorite childhood TV show?A. I loved Sesame Street when I was really little. It brings a smile to my face to know my kids are still able to enjoy to this day something I watched as a kid. I also loved Thundercats, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Wonder Years (I had a massive crush on Fred Savage), and Beverly Hills 90210 (although that was later in life).10. What is something or someone that can make you feel better instantly?A. Something - makeup, blogging, talking/texting with a friend. Someone - my boys, my boyfriend, my friends, my family.11. What do you like about blogging?A. It allows me to do a lot of things - I can express myself, inspire others to follow their dreams, bring a smile to someone when they are having a bad day, connect with the rest of the world in an instant... The possibilities are endless!The bloggers I am choosing are...1. Clair @ BruteForceBlond2. Claire @ Clunaire3. Camille & Alexis @ Elements Of Fakery4. Carly @ Beauty Sauce UK5. Kat @ IndieGoKatQuestions I am sending to the bloggers I have chosen...1. Why did you choose that name for your blog?2. Why did you start blogging?3. Who are your inspirations and why?4. What is #1 on your Bucket List and why?5. If you could meet anyone (past, present, or future), who would it be and why?6. What is one favorite drugstore product and one favorite high-end product?7. What motivates you to continue with your blog?8. Besides followers, what other positive things has your blog done for you?9. What advice would you give to a new blogger?10. Anything else you would like to say to anyone reading this...?I'd love your take on this whole Liebster Award thing/situation/stuff and be part of the experience by reading your answers. If you have been nominated in the past, please send me a copy of the link so I can see your answers! Thank you all for reading & see you soon!! ♥
Liebster Blog Award! Images
liebster blog award
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The Liebster Blog Award | This and That
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Liebster blog award « Passionnista
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